Dewulf's core talents 

Test results and description: 


"I like to organize things. As soon as I get started, a scenario of what should happen starts to unfold in my head. I am also good at executing those ideas and know exactly what to do. I have no problem with multi-tasking, because I have a clear picture of the goals in mind."



"I like being part of a club, group or community. I like to go to places that are full of people and that give me the feeling of being part of a bigger whole. It makes me feel good. I also play my part: being part of something does not only give you rights, but also obligations. I like to take my responsibility for this."



"I can easily approach new people, and vice versa. I’m known to be a good host and like to meet new people. I also like to bring people in touch with each other. When there is a silent moment in a conversation, I can easily break it. I try to involve people who do not take part in the conversation."



"I always ask myself: ‘Where will this take us?’ I only get energy when I have a clear goal in mind. The things I do should contribute relevantly to achieve this goal. Ineffective meetings make me agitated. I’m very task-oriented and I efficiently focus on my goal by means of to-do lists and an organized planning."



"Like a spider in a web, I’m in direct contact with the people around me. On these strands, I feel the smallest vibration that indicates tension or emotions of others. At those moments, I like to do small things to make them feel better, but I can get very upset when this goes unnoticed. I feel that I’m part of a much bigger picture, that we all have a common ground we share and which binds us together. I approach each situation I find myself in from a broader perspective. To me, past, present and future are interrelated."

